

Welcome to the Journey of Healing. I am dedicating my life’s work to help people transform their energy to a more loving place within themselves.

My life’s purpose is to take clients on a journey to self -love. Along this journey, I help clients release their negative energy so they can be in the flow of the Universe, living in a state of joy and abundance. I am a transformational therapist and clinical hypnotherapist based in the Los Angeles area and have created a sacred space filled with love energy for people to come to and experience healing themselves.

I was thrust into this journey unexpectedly in 1997, after the birth of my third child, when I was injured during childbirth by negligent medical care and received a traumatic injury that caused a balance disorder. My former life came to a complete halt. Up until this point, I was an award-winning documentary producer of medical and lifestyle, half-hour and hour- long television programs with a series distributed on the Discovery Channel, HGTV and Public Broadcasting.

I was always in control over my life and never had the opportunity to experience this kind of surrender. At first, it was frightening but it has become the greatest blessing in my life because it has taught me the true meaning of faith, and letting go of fear. Ultimately, I was forced into my own self-healing to learn the meaning of self-love. This was my initiation, so I could help others journey into self-healing when they too faced their “dark night of the soul,” the beginning of the process of transformation.

As part of the journey to heal myself, I have studied many vibrational healing techniques over the last 15 years and studied with many of the master teachers in Energy Medicine. I have also completed a traditional education in Psychology and Clinical Hypnotherapy, and coached hundreds of clients through their process of healing.

What I realize more than anything now, is it is all about the energy. That is the greatest gift that we have and can share with the world. It is our energy. My intention for my life is to transform my energy so it vibrates at the highest level of love and light.

I have created three sacred places for clients and their healing process. They are located in Los Angeles, Sedona and Maui. In addition to these sites, I have created other retreat homes for family celebrations and private healing. If you want more information on my custom healing retreats and energy healing., you can contact me directly at my e-mail address at arnavodenos@gmail.com.

So now with my diverse background in television journalism and healing that has spanned decades, I am pleased to announce the creation of websites and blogs that will focus on self-healing, so you can practice wellness daily in your own home.

Enjoy the journey!

Arna Vodenos, M.A., C.H.t

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